Specialist residential & supported care for adults with learning disabilities.

Blue Sky Care provides registered residential  homes and supported living services in the East Midlands for Adults with a Learning Disability and accompanying complex needs such as autism and behaviours that challenge.

Blue Sky Care are committed to promoting independence and encouraging individuals to develop, maintain or gain new independent, social and communication skills, supporting the development of a lifestyle that is personally satisfying and meaningful to them.

The homes offer a varied and imaginative programme of recreational and therapeutic activities, encouraging individuals to maximize their potential by providing individual person centred support packages, which include care plans and activity planners along with associated risk assessments, agreed boundaries and support levels.


When supporting in the community we continue this ethos and endeavour to develop an individuals self esteem, confidence and integration within their communities in a safe and enjoyable way.

Blue Sky Care is committed to providing a blend of  experience and qualified staff in all both our homes and when supporting in the community to ensure a quality care provision and appropriate support.

We support people with varying levels of support needs, which may include people who may be display challenging behaviours such as:

  • Physical & Verbal aggression
  • Verbal aggression
  • Environmental damage
  • Self harm
  • Compulsive / obsessive behaviour
  • Manipulative behaviour

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